Urbanistický design a krajinářství

U R B A N S T R U C T U R E Vinohrady, Predmestie

Nastasia Nosková
Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava

Idea projektu

My proposal Vinohrady - Predmestie uses the strategic transport potential of the area and creates a new transport hub in Bratislava, which will be part of its supporting transport system. This system consists of rail, road, tram, bus and static transport. In the area I use and change the location of the Vinohrady railway station and connect it with the multifunctional building of the new railway station with the suburban station.

Popis projektu

I have thus proposed a new strategic public transport node linked to the integration of the tram and rail network within the multimodal - integrated transport system of the city. At the same time, I create a new public space with functions that support the emergence of an integrated transport hub. In addition to the existing function of housing, the proposed space is complemented by a function of higher civic amenities - admistratives, so-called. new client center of public and state administration. These objects will be designed as height dominants. Part of the proposal is to create a student town with the appropriate amenities. This space consists of dormitories. The proposed functional land use fully exploits the availability of a new transport hub and the users of these facilities benefit from it. There are a number of limitations in the area that I had to respect in my proposal, such as the 60 m rail protection zone or the 10 m high voltage protection zone. The proposed greenery in the area is visibly dominant, there are several linear parks in the object structure, in which there are walking routes with various seating elements or playgrounds. In the vicinity of the Dormitories, near the railway track, I place sports facilities at various levels with greenery. In the proposal, I am considering several pedestrian moves, as well as removing barriers such as embankments on the rail, to allow access not only to pedestrians but also to car traffic to the new residential structure. At the same time, I propose several subways, eg under the suburban railway crossing and the subway between the four-lane road. I am moving the tram 'turn' for smooth access from the new railway station to the tram stop and relieve the traffic situation by a roundabout.

Technické informace

The current state of the area of Vinohrady. The current functional use of the area is very monotonous.
  In the territory, only the function of housing in family houses and apartment buildings with insufficient civic infrastructure and non-functional industrial buildings prevails. The area is predominantly untreated, rather seedling green and
there are many unused green areas.
  From the transport point of view, this area is very important and busy, as there are two railway stations and three railway lines, which include different strategic directions. There are also tram and bus services in this area. Pedestrian moves in this area are very neglected, as there are many barriers in the railway embankments. There is a single pedestrian overpass over the railway crossing, which is currently devastated and inoperative.

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