
Brain Drain

Lucciana Toni Nasrallah
USEK - Holy spirit University of Kaslik

Idea projektu

Motherboard between Creations & Connections

Unemployment, inequality, migration, depression, criminality... A sequence of harmful phenomena threatening the lives of youth in Lebanon leading to: Brain Drain. The Crises worsen following the socio-economic crises, and uncivil behaviors.

However biologically, the human being, to overcome shocks, undergo metamorphoses according to his needs. Thus, Beirut surrounded by crises will reborn and survive after a metamorphosis.

Although, to be metamorphosed, a specific path will be tracked. Thereby the project will be a: Motherboard between creations and connections ( a platform ). The project will be built in three phases: from Root (social metamorphosis of actors, research zone and co-working spaces) to the Stalk (workshops and laboratories ) arriving to the Fruit (the exhibition tower); where the final project of the innovators and creators will be exposed and will end-up invested by international and national investors.

Popis projektu

This project is born after the social economic crisis that encompassed Lebanon my country and that lead to unemployment, inequality, migration, depression, criminality... This sequence of harmful phenomena threatening the existence of young people lead them to “Brain Drain”... That’s why the title of my project was Brain and Drain in reverse...
Then this project will be metamorphosed in 3 phases, to be able to create a platform for the innovators-the senior ones- for the newly graduated, the innovators that can’t find jobs in this crisis.
Thus, this project will work in the first phase as the roots of a plant, absorbing all the innovators available in this country, (in the concept the model is infiltrating toward Beirut as seen in the master plan - alike les racines) the function in this phase are new spaces created to be able to do a metamorphose on the social level, by spaces for own expression as researchers as scientists as artists to achieve the Civility and then building his or her social identity in this world that changes every single minute - to be able to have this single identity not to imitate each other- because the world is futuristic dynamic and if one is not creator or innovator he or she will not achieve it’s goal. After defining his identity in this world, he will be able to start the research that will lead him to achieve it’s goal as new innovator or creator by co-working spaces that will give way to communicate to collaborate together and attain their target. This is how the first phase will end.

Then the project will start building it’s second phase, ( the plans explains the way) the concept of this phase is to accomplish the first phase by making line projections of the first phase leading to Brain Space that shows the dynamicity of these functions that have the only aim to produce the product which was formulated in the first phase of research.
This second phase will include the production space where the research will be elaborated in laboratories and workshops.
A certification zone, for the specialists will accredited the whole process and the uniqueness of this product.
Moreover, an economic platform, diaspora will be available to help in the production.

After all, the third phase will start to be built when, products like: deaf interactive robotic teacher- body members- nano technology machine - virtual beam and self cleaning laparoscope - smart gym retrofit kit (etc.) will be done and then ready to be exposed in the exhibition tower. It’s concept is this verticality, open to sky, with no limits, looking to the sea that give the same perspective of the infinity. Infinity of creations, of innovators of technology and of business.

That’s how a platform ready to be visited by investors - helping these young creators not to leave Lebanon and to end this socio-economic crisis.

In order to maintain this metamorphosis idea and it’s scientific importance (scientifically speaking to be able to survive a metamorphose in the human being, the cells should always be done)...
An In Between pass will be tracked to stimulate new people, stimulating them to be new creators to start the first phase and to be metamorphosed and to metamorphose their idea into a real product.

Technické informace

The project as mentioned is divided into three phases:
The plans of the First phase includes:
The Roots, will allow individuals to be metamorphosed at the social level to reinforce the Civility, the Urbanity and the Social Integration for Actors (the innovators in the project). The Roots have the role of irrigations, insuring a multiplication that absorbs the Brains (start-uppers, creators, inventors...) Present by infiltrating in the city. Once the social stimulation has been acquired, the pillifere zone connotes acculturation and will take place to reinforce the exchange through socio-educational equipment: Research Area (media library, co-working spaces) [1-Civility: expression area- it's goal building it's identity. 2-Informative Zone: explaining the rules of conduct. 3-Cafeteria: for the project actors. 4-Urbanity: seminar- goal to establish the good manners "savoir vivre". 5- Circulation ramp. 6- Social Integration: psychology, sociology, analysis of the character). 7-Auditorium: Linked to the In Between path for the visitor authentication. 8-Media Library: research department. 9-Co-working spaces. 10-End of the social metamorphosis.
The plans of the Second phase includes:
The Stem, serve as a relay between roots and fruits. To reach successful path, a support is crucial through an economic platform- Diaspora.
Buds, signify science and technology this will allow the metamorphosis of virtual ideas into reality through experimentation zone (Laboratories, workshops).
Leaves, ensures nutrition through photosynthesis...
The actors will be the cells that are in need for professional support, ensured by the experts certification zone...
1-Entrance: for visitors lead them to the In Between path. 2-Entrance: for Actors the future innovators. 3-Ellaboration of the 1st phase. 4.Laboratory &workshops (economic metamorphosis). 4'-Certification zone for the expert: educational support. 5-Cafeteria for the visitors. 6-Diaspora: economic platform. 7-Auditorium. 8-In Between path. 9-Service. 10-Platform of the 3rd phase.
The plans of the third phase includes:
Fruits,after fertilization, the flower turns into fruit that protect the seed. Once the fruit is ripe, it opens and detaches from the tree. It connotes the project in the safe box (in the tower) that contains all the innovative ideas that has been successfully produces in all the phases authentically... Thus, this project done as a platform "Motherboard- between creations & connections" will be accomplished.
To ensure continuity in this project an In-Between path will be tracked to stimulate visitors... Then the seed falls and a new actor will explore the path to success.
When the product that has been metamorphosed from a virtual idea to a real product will be approved by the experts.
It will be able to position it in the exhibition platform that attracts a large number of investors "voyageurs".
In the exhibition tower we will find all the creations such as: Robotic, High tech, Electrical and Bio-medical gallery.

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