
Green amphitheater - Theatre populaire

Maciej Zycki, Marta Zahorska
Gdańsk Technical University (Politechnika Gdańska), Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk

Project idea

This work contains an original project regarding a comprehensive renovation of Dance Theatre site in Ouagadougou. In the response to a steadily growing population of the capital of Burkina Faso, along which an increased demand for cultural elements goes in hand, it has been decided to demolish the existing theathre buildings and construct a new facility properly tailored to handle the wide range of cultural events.

Project description

The main compositional axis has been drawn along the line of the former theatre building. It connects the residential districts in the south with the major public areas (sports facilities, St. John XXIII’s church and the FESPACO festival terrain) in the north. As a result, the whole area, which has been so far characteristically intimate, will be a lot more open for the residents and function as a casual “on the way” place.

Sustainable approach to the project is visible in many aspects. Having in mind the ‘zero waste’ policy, the soil acquired during demolition of the old theatre building has been used once again during construction of the new building. It has greatly helped in varying the terrain level to better manage the rainfall water and was the foundation for the open-air amphitheatre and public space.
The roofing of the stage and the audience area enables the facility to be used regardless of the weather conditions in Ouagadougou. The wide-spread roof protects from equatorial sun and, at the same time, is well suited to properly disperse and aid in further rainfall water storage.
The wide-spread roof has been shaped in such a way that its vast area can seamlessly lead the rainfall water towards the well in the middle of the theatre bulding.

The project includes not only administrative buildings and overnight facilities for actors, but also a small open-air amphitheatre and an educational space for children and teenagers.

Technical information

This work contains an original project regarding a comprehensive renovation of Dance Theatre site in Ouagadougou. In the response to a steadily growing population of the capital of Burkina Faso, along which an increased demand for cultural elements goes in hand, it has been decided to demolish the existing theathre buildings and construct a new facility properly tailored to handle the wide range of cultural events.


Tutor: Ph.D, Eng. of architecture Magdalena Podwojewska

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