Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Port city/Cspian sea and Kara Bogaz Gol

Firdavsbek Zukhurov, Jose Parades
Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent

Idea projektu

The idea of the project is creating the space for Central Asia countries for port exporting to create Union of Central Asia trading hub with concept in the city of agriculture lands are integrated to the urban parks in order save the land and use same space multifunctionally.Creating data centres lower the sea level on the artificial islands in order to cool them naturally.Hub of union will serve as a land for free economic land and as a city for meetings international festivals and city expexted to have developed airport to serve for airplanes that flyies through the cintinent of asia to make stops and fulled be up

Popis projektu

The projects consist of 4 boards.
-Analysis of region and consequences of climate to the region around
-General Plan with zoning
-Axonometru with concept of agricilture
-Sections with Perspective view

Technické informace

Structure of the city borrowed from Ebenezer Howard and Kengo Kuma with growing on the way of metabolizm


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