
A World Without You

Kodithuwakku Arachchilage Pasan Manura
Srí Lanka

Idea projektu

The design brief is to introduce an awareness center to the Horton plains where it can educate and create awareness to the visitors on how
crucial it is to manage and protect the natural environment and ecology. On a broader scale, Horton plain itself cannot last the same if the climate
change didn’t stop. The design let people experience how nature behaves without humans. A post-human setting where buildings are taken over by nature and animals and buildings decaying… Giving people a taste of “a world without you”

Popis projektu

Awareness is created through education and education can be catogorized into : Formal education
Informal education

The Building itself will work to create a fear response about the damage we do to environment and how the environment will start to nourish itself if we had little to no impact on it providing the informal education.
The function of the awareness center is to provide the formal knowlege to the users.

Technické informace

Materials Used
Timber from turpentine forest next to horton plains
Repurposed metal sheets

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