Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Grandma's garden

Arina Zagaevschi
Technical University of Moldova, Urbanism and Architecture Faculty

Idea projektu

Initially I tried to make a gift for my grandmother and make something special for her.

Popis projektu

The area of garden is 6×5m.On territory of the garden is situated water drain,so I decited to situate over this a well,that it's make of wood.Around the trees that remained from my grandfather I planted a hosta in a circular shape because it like shadow.On the fence near the well I planted climbing roses.Among the flowers I made small stone carriages.For the smell I planted lavender, lilies and carnations.
And to make our eyes happy in winter I put yucca and thuja.

Technické informace

I used different combinations of stones and flowers that like shade or light.


I haven't.

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