Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1232 jurors from 130 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Levy Canaleta

Resilient Architecture, Green Architecture, and Sustainable Architecture

Certified juror

« En tant qu’Architecte, poursuivant la formation HMONP a L’ENSA Versailles | Ile de France et Membre à l’ordre des ingénieurs et des architectes au Liban #58417.

Mes études mon permis de comprendre à quel point le monde nécessite d’être métamorphosé pour survivre à l’image de la biologie et du corps humains et de s’adapter à tout changement (ex le covid-19).

L’Architecture jouera le principal élément de changement - de spatialité, de cadre affectant, les modes de vie en changement permanent vu les différents événements actuels. L’Architecture, à travers ces lignes qui s’ouvre vers le monde, le public d’une part et ferme d’autre part vers le privé. De ce fait, le pouvoir d’Architecture, entre une convergence et une divergence, entre le tout et le rien, le plein et le vide, la transparence et l’opacité, entre une construction et une reconstruction. Ainsi l’Architecture procure un changement à travers des solutions créatives, et je vise faire partie de ce changement.

D’ailleurs, nous ne pourrons pas changer le monde entier à travers l’Architecture mais impérativement le monde ne peut pas être changer sans l’Architecture. »

Certified juror
Arief Isrefidianto

Architect and Urban Designer

Certified juror
Ladislav Podracký
Certified juror
Yimeng Teng
I am a licensed architect practicing in Los Angeles. My design focus has been high end residential and higher education institutions.
I am a licensed architect practicing in Los Angeles. My design focus has been high end residential and higher education institutions.
Certified juror
Jairo Galindo

My architectural approach is oriented in the structuring of the form.

Certified juror
Alejandro Delgado
Interior design
Certified juror
Juan Verdaguer Aguerrebehere

Juan Verdaguer Aguerrebehere is an architect, graduated from the National University of La Plata, founding partner of NoName Architecture and JVA Renders.

From the practice NoName Architecture seeks to recover the spaces for reflection, and rethinking of conventions, as they are raised, not only in the field of architecture, but in society itself. Having ventured into university teaching and participation in competitions as collaborators in studies such as SMF Architects and Aisenson Architects. On the other hand, collaborating with the dissemination of architecture in 2017, they created a radio program dedicated to interviews with renowned architects in Argentina.

With a strong interest in single-family residential homes, they spend a lot of time studying variables for each project, interrelated architecture with poetry, music, cinema and literature in general. Some of his projects have been distinguished and published in Argentina and Spain. They have participated and won 11 awards in international and national competitions. In 2018, 5 of their projects were selected at the Argentine Architecture Biennale.

From JVA Renders as a professional architectural visualization studio composed of a young team of Architects, 3D Digital Artists, Graphic Designers, and Digital Animators make the most of their potential and expertise to professionally assist Architectural firms, Engineering firms, and Building Industries around the globe.

Certified juror
Petr Kolář
ADR Co-founder Professional settings
Czech Republic
ADR Co-founder Professional settings
Certified juror
Antonín Štička
Certified juror
Sharif Tousif Hossain

Interior Design, Urban Design & 3d Visualization

Certified juror
Yiğit Acar

Urban Design, Architectural Design, Architectural Representation, Data Visualization.

Certified juror
Elie Braks

As an architect I have been always looking for new trends and ideas in architecture, how technology is changing and evolving architecture helping us to see project with a new perspective.

Certified juror
Štěpán Braťka

to make world a better place

Certified juror
Iva Šmídová
Návrhuji a realizuji rezidenční interiéry, a zároveň učím ženy, jak si zařídit útulný domov. Mojí vášní je práce s půdorysem a vymýšlení praktických řešení s důrazem na detaily. Moje heslo je, že se vším se dá pracovat a útulný domov začíná na stavbě. Nakladatelství GRADA vydalo v říjnu 2022 moji knihu Útulný domov krok za krokem, která vás provede všemi fázemi zařizování nového, nebo úpravou stávajícího, domova. Knihu zakoupíte ve v každém dobrém knihkupectví. Věnuji se i psychologii prostoru a podvědomému vnímání prostoru kolem nás, které má přímý vliv na spokojenost v našich životech.

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