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Certifikovaný porotce
Khristian Ceballos Ugarte

I'm an Architect graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidad Central de Venezuela and a Master degree in "Architecture de Milieux" at the Ecole Spéciale d’architecture of Paris with more of 14 years of experience, currently based in Paris and Caracas, Venezuela.
My work is focus on all scales of architecture's programs, going from concert halls, cultural centers, educational and housing to art collaborations and collective installations. I believe in producing our own architectural projects, proposing and developing it throughout collective thinking and leadership.

Right now i'm developping somre projects on a rural scale responding to the subject of my academic research.

I complement my practice teaching at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and at this moment at the Ecole Special d'Architecture in Paris. I've been invited to as professor and international jury at the Universidad Simon Bolivar, FIU of Miami and PCUP in Lima, Peru. I focus my research on rethinking the "habitat" and working on projects that allowed the students to think the project in articulated scales.

Certifikovaný porotce
Oliverio Najmias

He has a fascination for sustainable processes and from practice [NOA] he aims to generate innovative tailor-made urban and architectural solutions.


He is Adjunct Professor (Int) in Architectural Studio at the FADU, UBA (University of Buenos Aires) where he has been teaching since 1998. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Universities of: Talca [Chile]; Johannesburg [South Africa] and Javeriana of Bogota [Colombia]; and Lecturer at the Tadeo University of Cartagena [Colombia]. He also chaired the 2010 DasBaker Award Jury in South Africa.

In 2018 the University of Buenos Aires distinguishes him with two Academic Merit Mentions


In 2007 he founded Najmias Oficina de Arquitectura [NOA], a practice with a fascination for sustainable processes and the generation of innovative solutions from architecture and the impact it has on the daily life of its users. The research-based approach drives spatial innovation in the fields of architecture, interior design and furniture as well as in the landscape, with a strong focus on the integration and impacts of the built on the phisical setting and the environment

He won his first international prize in 2002, the Silver Medal in the International Design Competition Beyond East and West [Korea]. In 2011 he was awarded the International Highly-Commended Americas Property Awards Single Residence.

From NOA, or associated with other offices, he also obtains the following national awards: 1st. and 3rd. Urban Project Award at FADU Biennial [2019]; Distinguished Work BIA-AR [2018]; 1st. Prize National Competition for the Colegiales Railwaystation Masterplan [2017]; 2nd Prize National Competition for City Park National [2017]; 3rd Arq Award [2011] and Bicentennial Award Finalist [2010] among others.


He has a fascination for sustainable processes and from practice [NOA] he aims to generate innovative tailor-made urban and architectural solutions.


He is Adjunct Professor (Int) in Architectural Studio at the FADU, UBA (University of Buenos Aires) where he has been teaching since 1998. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Universities of: Talca [Chile]; Johannesburg [South Africa] and Javeriana of Bogota [Colombia]; and Lecturer at the Tadeo University of Cartagena [Colombia]. He also chaired the 2010 DasBaker Award Jury in South Africa.

In 2018 the University of Buenos Aires distinguishes him with two Academic Merit Mentions


In 2007 he founded Najmias Oficina de Arquitectura [NOA], a practice with a fascination for sustainable processes and the generation of innovative solutions from architecture and the impact it has on the daily life of its users. The research-based approach drives spatial innovation in the fields of architecture, interior design and furniture as well as in the landscape, with a strong focus on the integration and impacts of the built on the phisical setting and the environment

He won his first international prize in 2002, the Silver Medal in the International Design Competition Beyond East and West [Korea]. In 2011 he was awarded the International Highly-Commended Americas Property Awards Single Residence.

From NOA, or associated with other offices, he also obtains the following national awards: 1st. and 3rd. Urban Project Award at FADU Biennial [2019]; Distinguished Work BIA-AR [2018]; 1st. Prize National Competition for the Colegiales Railwaystation Masterplan [2017]; 2nd Prize National Competition for City Park National [2017]; 3rd Arq Award [2011] and Bicentennial Award Finalist [2010] among others.

Certifikovaný porotce
Jean Paul Aazan
My architectural focus relies on exceeding clients expectations and goal achievement through creativity, ease of process and value.
My architectural focus relies on exceeding clients expectations and goal achievement through creativity, ease of process and value.
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomas Durdis
Jsme společnost působící v oblasti investiční výstavby, kde poskytujeme klientům komplexní služby. Hlavní činností společnosti je vyhledávání investičních příležitostí, zhodnocení využitelnosti území i stávajících nemovitostí, zpracování kompletní projektové dokumentace včetně inženýringu i zajištení realizace staveb. Našimi klienty jsou multinárodní společnosti, státní organizace i privátní subjekty. Díky svým kvalifikačním předpokladům a modernímu technickému vybavení jsme schopni aktivní tvůrčí komunikace.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Michaela Šimečková
Junior architekt - více jak 20 projektů od studie přes realizace různých velikostí a typologie
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Muhammad U. F. Khan

Architecture is to give Shape to your thoughts through Masses by moving reshaping and resizing.

Certifikovaný porotce
Iva Jeřábková
Jako architektka a inženýrka aktivně prosazuji nové inovativní přístupy ve stavebnictví. Při hledání nových výzev nezůstávám pouze u technických znalostí, ale také se zaměřuji na porozumění složitým vztahům a systémům. Jsem přesvědčená o tom, že vynikající výsledky lze dosáhnout díky kooperativní spolupráci a analytickému přístupu. Ve své praxi se zaměřuji se na rekonstrukce, sance a modernizace objektů středního a velkého rozsahu a integraci BIM procesů do těchto projektů.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Bouwemdéou Tchingué

Give priority to the protection of nature and human comfort in all of my designs
Use local materials and integrate projects into their environment

Certifikovaný porotce
Tomáš Čech
Architektonická platforma POLYCHROME působí na poli architektury v různých podobách. Projektuje a navrhuje, popularizuje a zkoumá. Život lidí není „monochromatický“, je plný emocí, pocitů, zkušeností. Proto hledáme komplexní a adekvátní řešení, která odpovídají na otázky krásy, kvality, funkčnosti a udržitelnosti. „Polychromatická“ architektura nemusí být pestrobarevná, ale musí vytvořit optimální prostředí pro všechny aspekty lidského života. Ten bezpochyby „barevný“ je!
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Alice Šindelářová
BIM, projects of all scales, visualisations, sketches
Czech Republic
BIM, projects of all scales, visualisations, sketches
Certifikovaný porotce
Hadeer Merza
Housing, urban design, social and cultural heritage and sustainability
Housing, urban design, social and cultural heritage and sustainability
Certifikovaný porotce
Andrea Vokřálová
Interiérový design
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Sarah Binte Haque
Resilient and Sustainable Architecture
Resilient and Sustainable Architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Hamed Behkam
Architecture Competitions
Certifikovaný porotce
Muhammad Umair

My architectural focus is to find out the reality in design and as well as contextual progress. Also I am more closely focussed on working with different urban planners to develop more sustainable and economical projects. 


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